Archivarix External Images Importer
Wtyczka importuje obrazy z witryn stron trzecich, do których łącza znajdują się w postach i stronach, do galerii WordPress. Jeśli zdjęcie nie jest obecnie dostępne lub usunięte, wtyczka pobiera jego kopię z archiwum internetowego.
Wordpress plugin operation with extracted content.
If you check an option "Extract strctured content" in Advanced options, then after the downloaded data are processed, articles in xml, csv, wxr and json formats with links to media are created along with the archive of the website.
When creating an articles archive, our parser takes into account only meaningful content excluding duplicate articles, website controls and service pages, leaving only articles with kept clean formatting ready to import to your website.
Creating your Wordpress blog based on a site downloaded or restored from WebArchive with Archivarix:
- Run a restore or download of your chosen site with the "Extract structured content" option enabled.
- After completion, download the file with the content - "Articles (.zip)" button
- Install "Archivarix External Images Importer" plugin in your Wordpress.
- From the downloaded archive with articles, import .wxr file into your website using standard import in the Wordpress admin panel (Tools - Import - Wordpress - Run Import). After you import this file you can start the plugin from its settings page. The plugin will automatically download missing images in posts and pages of your site.
- Now the Wordpress has articles with formatting and images from the website you imported.
Attention! When importing articles, the design of the original site is not copied, nor are the url addresses of the articles copied.