How to transfer content from the Wayback Machine ( to Wordpress?

Published: 2019-11-30

By using the “Extract structured content” option you can easily make a Wordpress blog both from the site found on the Web Archive and from any other website. To do this, firstly find the source website and then in one of our download tools Restore A Website or Download A Website check in "Advanced Options" - "Extract structured content". After that enter all your data ( email, timestamps, etc. ) and start downloading.

When a website downloading process is completed the system deploys it to our server and begins to extract content. During creating an archive of articles, our parser takes into account only meaningful content excluding duplicate articles, controls and service pages, leaving only articles with saved formatting ready for import to your website. After the process of extracting articles is completed, you will receive a confirmation letter, open it and download the content - the "Articles (.zip)" button.

The zip archive contains the extracted content in various formats, from them select a file with the extension .wxr. This file is in WordPress eXtended Rss format, and it is ready to upload on Wordpress CMS.

On your Wordpress website start the import of content - (In the admin panel of Wordpress - Tools - Import - Wordpress - Start import).

If the extracted content has some images, their links will be contained in the article file. To import them into your Wordpress site you need to use our Archivarix External Images Importer plugin. In the plugin tab "Download settings" you can set the parameter "Start downloading" to "Immediately". It means when importing a file with articles the plugin will immediately download all external images to Wordpress media gallery. If you have a lot of images you can use the background import - in the same tab choose "Put on queue" and then click the "Run background processing" button. After a while, all available media files will be imported to your site.

If the images you want to upload to the Wordpress blog are on the same domain, set the option "Missing local images" - "Download".

The use of article materials is allowed only if the link to the source is posted: