Archivarix CMS

Éditeur pour les sites Web restaurés

Qu'est-ce que Archivarix CMS

Archivarix CMS est un CMS gratuit compact Open source conçu spécifiquement pour la gestion des récupérés à partir d'une archive Web ou des sites téléchargés. Le système fonctionne avec SQLite et n'est qu'un petit fichier. Pour l'installer, vous n'avez pas besoin de créer une base de données SQL et de configurer quoi que ce soit-il suffit de télécharger le fichier sur votre serveur.

Avantages de notre CMS:

  • Haute vitesse-notre CMS grâce à l'optimisation du code HTML, CSS, scripts JAVA et des images du site téléchargé, ainsi que les œuvres de petite taille beaucoup plus rapide que la plupart des autres. Cela a un effet positif sur l'indexation des sites par les moteurs de recherche.
  • compacité et portabilité-juste 1 fichier! Pas besoin de créer des bases de données ou de démarrer des comptes, le système fonctionne immédiatement après le téléchargement sur le serveur.
  • Fonctionnalité-avec l'aide de Archivarix CMS vous pouvez éditer des fichiers dans l'éditeur WYSIWYG, créer et supprimer des pages, de recherche et de remplacer l'ensemble du site, ajouter votre code, des images et des scripts.
  • Et aussi notre CMS peut travailler ensemble avec n'importe quel autre (par exemple avec Wordpress ou Drupal) sur un site.
  • Flexibilité-la capacité de convertir n'importe quel site fonctionnant sur n'importe quel CMS ou même fait sur le HTML simple dans Archivarix CMS.
  • Multifonctionnalité - Importez et exportez des données, combinant plusieurs sites restaurés ou téléchargés en un seul. Convertissez n'importe quel encodage, même très ancien et rare en UTF8, recherchez et supprimez les fichiers et les images manquants. Possibilité d'annuler toutes les modifications apportées.
  • Statistiques pour affinement de contenu ultérieur - Le système collecte des statistiques pour les URL qui ne se trouvent pas sur le site restauré. Les données peuvent être utilisées pour un téléchargement ultérieur ou pour créer des fichiers manquants.


0.1.240803 (2024-08-03)

- Small bugfixes and code improvements;
- Full CLI support for almost all CMS features;
- HTTP API calls (experimental with private/public key encryption);

0.1.220929 (2022-09-29)

- Archivarix is celebrating its 5 years! Happy Birthday!;
- added a lot of new commands for CLI;
- unnecessary files cleanup when working through the CLI;
- improved cleanup of unused tags in templates when posting new pages;
- automatic migration to the new database schema 1.0.2;
- a new tool for converting images to WebP format;
- file parameter in the template can be passed as a URL in CLI to download it;
- a tool for detecting the depth of pages;
- orphan pages detection;
- page depth can be filtered in Search and Replace;
- the ability to block various bots;
- custom rules can use the depth of the pages;
- processing time for removing broken links and images has been accelerated by x20;
- improved conversion to www and back;
- support for page metrics in the database schema for future updates;
- release and support of the new loader version 0.1.220929;
- a lot of minor optimizations, processing speed up, code refactoring;

0.1.220505 (2022-05-05)

- default memory_limit increase;
- cli timeout turned off;
- cli import to skip download if import file presents;
- less temporary files/better cleanup during import/install operations;
- system info at the initial installation screen;
- quick "Find in all" option in Search & Replace for URLs;
- bulk hostname set for url replace results;
- improved HTTPS detection for websites behind CloudFlare;
- structure change to support huge restores (7M+ files);
- IDN support for hostnames in Search & Replace;

0.1.220206 (2022-02-06)

- export to flat-file structure improvement for .htm URLs;
- support for PHP with disabled disk_free_space();
- modx integration support;
- speed improvements to handle restores with a lot of subdomains;

0.1.210802 (2021-08-02)

- a fix for switching Loader mode in CMS;

0.1.210726 (2021-07-26)

- a small fix for enabling /sitemap.xml during install and from robots.txt tool;

0.1.210710 (2021-07-10)

- increased default memory size up to 512M;
- improved work with sessions and security tokens;
- a new tool for simple insertion/editing of the code of counters and analytics in all pages of the site;
- ability to create custom 404 pages with an installation (requires a Loader update to support);
- ability to allow website in robots.txt and enable Sitemap with an installation;
- bulk editing URL metadata option in URL Replace section;
- additional filtering of Search-Replace by charset and redirection value;
- debug collects information about the total process time;
- improved export to a flat-file structure, ability to remove queries from URLs;
- when exporting to a flat-file structure, the creation time of files corresponds to the originals;
- speed improvements for large zip files;
- imports size on disk in the dashboard;
- import tool can import sites into a separate directory;
- reinstallation is available from the Import sites tool;
- simplified interface of the History section;
- custom rules can now be applied to URL paths that match a regex (requires a Loader update to support);
- one-click website conversion tool to www/non-www;
- suggestion to rename the default Archivarix CMS script name before installation;
- ability to install missing Loader (allows you to update very old versions of Loader from CMS);
- when installing a site with subdomains to a different domain, an option to automatically set the Custom domain value;
- updates for the Loader version are checked as well;
- a link to the original WebArchive version from any URL editor;
- fixed regex for CSS/JS versioning fix tool;
- link to online regex constructor;
- external packages updated to the latest versions;

0.1.210322 (2021-03-22)

- a new "QUERY-LESS" feature that can ignore the query string if no URL match found;
- a new case-sensitive mode in Search & Replace;
- export the website to a flat-file structure and download it directly from the CMS as a .zip file;
- an improved processing speed for large .ZIP files with restores;
- improved support for some outdated curl configurations that could not download a restore file due to insufficient SSL support;
- a new "remove.urls" action for CLI-mode that allows removing a list of URLs from a command prompt on your server;
- other minor improvements and optimizations;

0.1.201130 (2020-11-30)

- rewritten and improved support for URLs;
- improved display for URLs in the left panel;
- improved files structure to support systems without a proper UTF-8 filenames;
- an option to filter hostnames in a ZIP-export;
- advanced options for cloning URLs;
- improved merge of different sites that have subdomains;
- main domain is on top in the dashboard stats for websites with subdomains;
- empty charts should also display for empty data;

0.1.201103 (2020-11-03)

- full localization of Archivarix CMS into 13 languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian);
- export of all current site data to a zip archive to save a backup copy or transfer to another site;
- show and remove broken zip archives in import tools;
- PHP version check during installation;
- information for installing CMS on a server with NGINX + PHP-FPM;
- in the search, when the expert mode is on, the date / time of the page and a link to its copy in the WebArchive are displayed;
- user interface improvements;
- code optimization;

0.1.201006 (2020-10-06)

- CLI support to deploy websites right from a command line, imports, settings, stats, history purge and system update;
- support for password_hash() encrypted passwords that can be used in CLI;
- expert mode to enable an additional debug information, experimental tools and direct links to WebArchive saved snapshots;
- tools for broken internal images and links can now return a list of all missing urls instead of deleting;
- import tool shows corrupted/incomplete zip files that can be removed;
- improved cookie support to catch up with requirements of modern browsers;
- a setting to select default editor to HTML pages (visual editor or code);
- Changes tab showing text differences is off by default, can be turned on in settings;
- you can roll back to a specific change in the Changes tab;
- fixed XML sitemap url for websites that are built with a www subdomain;
- fixed removal temporary files that were created during an installation/import process;
- faster history purge;
- removed unused localization phrases;
- language switch on the login screen;
- updated external packages to their most recent versions;
- optimized memory usage for calculating text differences in the Changes tab;
- improved support for old versions of php-dom extension;
- an experimental tool to fix file sizes in the database in case you edited files directly on a server;
- an experimental and very raw flat-structure export tool;
- an experimental public key support for the future API features;

0.1.200608 (2020-06-08)

- fixed: History section did not work when there was no zip extension enabled in php;
- new History tab with details of changes when editing text files;
- .htaccess edit tool;
- ability to clean up backups to the desired rollback point;
- "Missing URLs" section removed from Tools as it is accessible from the dashboard;
- monitoring and showing free disk space in the dashboard;
- improved check of the required PHP extensions on startup and initial installation;
- minor cosmetic changes;
- all external tools updated to latest versions;

0.1.200521 (2020-05-21)

- separate password for safe mode;
- extended safe mode. Now you can create custom rules and files, but without executable code;
- reinstalling the site from the CMS without having to manually delete anything from the server;
- ability to sort custom rules;
- improved Search & Replace for very large sites;
- additional settings for the "Viewport meta tag" tool;
- support for IDN domains on hosting with the old version of ICU;
- in the initial installation with a password, the ability to log out is added;
- if .htaccess is detected during integration with WP, then the Archivarix rules will be added to its beginning;
- when downloading sites by serial number, CDN is used to increase speed;
- other minor improvements and fixes;

0.1.200512 (2020-05-12)

- new dashboard for viewing statistics, server settings and system updates;
- ability to create templates and conveniently add new pages to the site;
- integration with Wordpress and Joomla in one click;
- now in Search & Replace, additional filtering is done in the form of a constructor, where you can add any number of rules;
- now you can filter the results by domain/subdomains, date-time, file size;
- a new tool to reset the cache in Cloudlfare or enable / disable Dev Mode;
- a new tool for removing versioning in urls, for example, "?ver=1.2.3" in css or js. Allows you to repair even those pages that looked crooked in the WebArchive due to the lack of styles with different versions;
- the robots.txt tool has the ability to immediately enable and add a Sitemap map;
- automatic and manual creation of rollback points for changes;
- import can import templates;
- saving/Importing settings of the loader contains the created custom files;
- for all actions that can last longer than a timeout, a progress bar is displayed;
- a tool to add a viewport meta tag to all pages of a site;
- tools for removing broken links and images have the ability to account for files on the server;
- a new tool to fix incorrect urlencode links in html code. Rarely, but may come in handy;
- improved missing urls tool. Together with the new loader, now counts calls to non-existent URLs;
- regex Tips in Search & Replace;
- improved checking for missing php extensions;
- updated all used js tools to the latest versions;
- many other cosmetic improvements and speed optimizations;

0.1.200214 (2020-02-14)

- in Search and Replace, you can now filter by url date;
- now external links from all pages of the site can be deleted with the click of a button. Anchors are preserved;
- the new ACMS_SAFE_MODE parameter, which prohibits changing the Loader/CMS settings and loading custom files, is also prohibited from importing import settings and custom files;
- the JSON settings files for the Loader and CMS can now be downloaded to your computer and downloaded to the CMS from a file on the computer. Thus, the transfer of settings to other sites has become even easier;
- creating custom rules has become more convenient, there are often used patterns that you can choose;
- new custom files can be created in the file manager without having to download the file;
- the url tree for the main domain always comes first;
- if you hide the url tree for the domain/subdomain, then this setting is saved while working with the CMS;
- instead of two buttons, open/collapse the url tree, now one that can do both;
- creating a new URL was simplified and when creating, you can immediately specify the file from the computer;
- in the mobile layout, the main working part comes first;
- after each manipulation of the file, its size is updated in the database;
- fixed buttons for selective history rollbacks;
- fixed creating new urls for subdomains that contain numbers in the domain name;

0.1.200207 (2020-02-07)

- install your restored website from a single CMS file uploaded to your hosting;
- set password in new Settings section;
- all CMS and Loader parameters/limits can be set from Settings area;
- files for custom includes now have to be placed into .content.xxxxxx/includes/ directory;
- simple but convenient file manager for includes;
- Imports support files with settings and custom includes;
- check for new versions and update CMS and Loader from CMS;
- shortcuts support for the text/code editor;
- detection of unnecessary files in the .content.xxxxxx folder;
- improved UX;

0.1.200122 (2020-01-22)

- new huge ACMS_TIMEOUT feature that will handle any long processing task;
- new tool for removing broken internal links;
- new tool for removing broken local images;
- new tool for settings rel (nofollow, noindex etc) for external links;
- new tool for importing/combining any existing restore right from our CMS;
- improved stats with subdomains lists;
- improved backup support for all actions;
- more convenient UX;

0.1.200107 (2020-01-07)

- new Tools section for convenient adding new features;
- convert whole website to UTF-8 with one click;
- additional filtering by MIME-type in Search & Replace;
- improved URLs replacing in Search & Replace;
- backups recovery for Search & Replace actions;

0.1.191219 (2019-12-19)

- improved support for rare charsets;
- fixed ability to create documents with "+" sign in mime types;
- updated external libraries to the latest versions;
- improved privacy when loading any external source from CMS;
- fixed "replace" functionality in non-html files;
- reduced default limits for search results;
- pagination for urls tree in huge recoveries;
- advanced filtering for Search and Replace results by code/url with full regex support;
- ability to log out of CMS;
- detecting blocked XHR POST requests and sending data the standard way with a page refresh;
- filed login attempts are logged to the web server log for fail2ban;
- search by url takes into account the domain/subdomain name;
- other small improvements and speed optimizations;

0.1.190214 (2019-02-14)

- support for IDN domains;
- support for URLs with incorrect symbols when decoded;
- adaptive design improvements;

0.1.190211 (2019-02-11)

- search within URLs and make replaces including regex support;
- new ACMS_PURGE_HISTORY to clean and disable history;
- additional code improvements;
- translation fixes;
- updated components from CDN;
- improved support for subdomains;

0.1.190109 (2019-01-09)

- Search & Replace multiline support;
- small bugfixes and code improvements;

0.1.190107 (2019-01-07)

- default interface locale based on your browser Accept-Language header;
- external URLs support in Redirect value;
- Search & Replace in other text formats (js, css, txt, json, xml);
- create new URLs with different mime-types directly from CMS without cloning;
- new Stats section with charts;
- alert for legacy SQLite versions;
- first stage implementation for our new 'Missing URLs' feature;

0.1.181101 (2018-11-01)

- code improvements to work on servers with short_open_tag disabled in PHP;
- simplified and more intuitive password setup (just set ACMS_PASSWORD value);
- new ACMS_LEAN_MODE to disable left tree menu for huge restores (drastically saves memory);
- new ACMS_MATCHES_LIMIT to limit results for Search and Replace (saves memory, does not slow down browser);

0.1.180929 (2018-09-29)

- improved support for SQLite older than 3.8.3;

0.1.180803 (2018-08-03)

- more support for old and rare charsets;

0.1.180616 (2018-06-16)

- a tiny fix for ACMS_LOGIN_PAGE = 1;

0.1.180524 (2018-05-24)

- custom password support: ACMS_LOGIN_PAGE = 'mypassword';
- detect missing mbstring that is required for Search & Replace;

0.1.180516 (2018-05-16)

- just an English localization fix;

0.1.180510 (2018-05-10)

- first public release version;
- total count of pages and matches in Search & Replace;
- video Tutorial in Russian language;
- increased memory_limit;

0.1.180501 (2018-05-01)

- roll back and purge selected backups;
- better unicode support in Search & Replace;

0.1.180428 (2018-04-28)

- sub-domains support;
- custom domain setting;
- default sort in History section;
- no red "IP restriction" message if login page is enabled;